Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mormon Madness

I don't know if it is just Romney or what, but there is just a ton of stuff about mormons circulating online lately. I mean popularly within my friend group though (because I know there was always stuff about Mormons)

Here are my recent finds that have just been making me think a lot.

So I don't know what this whole program is about yet, but I found their website here. I'm going to be checking it out. It is just really curious to me because I feel like LGBT are not treated the same at any BYU and there is a program at provo. There should be one at every school to teach people how to be more accepting and kind. I also want to know how they reconcile the teachings of the church with the problems that these people face. Do they encourage what some do, that they get a straight marriage even though they aren't attracted to that gender? It is really strange to me.

Next is this crazy girl.

So there are all these myths. Some are just exaggerations. And you know you can think of other people all they want, but regardless of their beliefs, just because they aren't your beliefs, doesn't mean you gotta bash. If religion wasn't based on faith, everyone would be the same religion. But I feel like I get why there are so many different takes. Even the Mormon religion isn't perfect. I mean not everything has been revealed yet right? Doesn't mean we don't have the tools to be saved. Anyhow, I just think this chick is dumb because it is mostly a choice to be any religion. Whoever believes what they believe had a choice to believe it, and obviously you are trying to say what other people believe. Why not just believe what you want and leave other people alone. Nothing is really "far-out" in any religion and if it is a belief, they are going to do a ritual. Monks in other religions believe in celibacy. If saving yourself for marriage is a belief, then to be a practicing/ worthy mormon, you have to do that so of course they are going to ask 12 year old boys about their sex lives you idiot. Okay. There is more but you can all just think about that for yourselves.


this lady reminds me of myself, but a little more extreme. The comments are what kills me. There are some RUDE RUDE LDS people calling her out. If you think that is what makes people strong is for you to call them to repentance, then you should just look in the mirror and start the yells, butthead.

Anyway. Those are the thoughts spinning at the moment.

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