As I left the testing center today... I thought about how my studying habits were affecting my ability to perform on tests.
The first test in this class I got a 98.
The next was a 93 or something like that.
What do I expect on this one?
maybe a 90.
The first test I was able to study a lot because I had the study guide the first day of class.
The next one the study guide came a little late.
For this one, things kept changing and when I was taking the test was not really known.
Things keep changing so I have not been able to keep a stable strategy for this class.
I do the assignments so in theory I have SOMETHING to study even though its probably 80% more than what will actually be on the test.
To me, with shortened semesters, changing schedules, and the amount of memorization required by other classes as well, I am cramming my brain with a ton of information which feels like it is hurting more than helping.
Im getting stressed out a LOT lately. Perhaps much of it is lack of a balanced life.
I have decided that I am no longer learning at this point in the semester, I am only cramming what is necessary to get by.
Some of this attitude may be stemming from the idea given to me by my 11th grade English teacher who advised his students that a B grade is okay in school. You pass, you get your degree, and there is considerably less stress than trying to get the A. I agree in a way. Not stressing is imperative to good health and also proper concentration. Even more, some teachers have crazy expectations. Don't get me wrong, I love a challenge, especially an attainable challenge... as in one that I can attain in the given time. I don't like when at the end of the semester, I'm still struggling to get a B+. (well that hasn't really happened to me unless I neglected the class entirely) but as far as papers go, teachers expect different things. I have to not only learn material, I have to learn the teacher's style and how to appeal to that certain teacher. Sometimes I just can't figure out what they want! Much of that has happened in my music classes. I guess I just can't write about music. I haven't read a lot about music... and perhaps that is another reason why these higher level music classes are a bit harder. The vernacular and way things are stated are just not conventional to everything else I am used to reading. I guess I should have taken AP music theory...
But I digress. Some teachers... like mine in third grade not only believe in a bell for a class, but also for the student. It was impossible to get straight As on a report card because nobody is perfect. Wherever there was more room for improvement, expect a C, and secondary subjects, a B and only your most outstanding subjects earned you As. That could also be a part of my drive to always be better. In my mind, I thought, REALLY?! so if i didnt do any work at all in that subject i would get the same grade? (well maybe an f) but why did I do this A work in my mind (doing all the requirements to the best of my ability) and get a C... Im really not good enough for school?
Anyways. Professors in my classes today always emphasize how no one wants a B doctor operating on their brain. So since my English teacher wasn't a doctor, that was okay? Are grades subject specific? Or maybe degree specific? If you have to get As as a doctor, are there no more grades and just pass fail? (no really i dont know how that works)
So my whole thing about today is. Stay on top of things, but don't be a perfectionist on things you can get by with doing less (unless you have the time and energy). I totally don't prioritize well. I need spaced practice (a little review every day to solidify my memory). Cramming doesn't work for me well... especially in HISTORY with all these chapters of names, places, dates, concepts etc.~~~ ouch brain cramp.
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