Wednesday, October 27, 2010

remember "the Secret" ?

Thank you Felipe for this video, and also for now my knowledge of the RSA youtube.... definitely love the RSAnimate.
This one is really awesome cause I liked the idea of the Secret, (the law of attraction, basically if you havent heard of it before)
but this shows that it was kinda made to make people think positively anyways watch this

Okay anyways. Reality came to me because I get emails from the (the secret scrolls oooooh). I usually like them because they are kinda like empowering quotes, but one day I got this one that basically said that if you think of ways to try and get something, you are complaining to the universe that you dont have it, so you will never get it... so you have to do nothing as if you already have it and the universe will bring it to you.
I just have to sit here and money will appear on my lap?

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