Thursday, December 27, 2012

You are entitled to your own wrong opinion.

Sometimes I have friends who post really interesting things. Like this. Personally, I think it is stupid. You can believe that your government is there to limit you from becoming your ultimate self because they restrict you, but you also have to remember that (at least in America) people vote for their government representation, and somewhat for their laws. Even though there is cheating and sometimes it can seem askew, you have to believe that majority rules. It is close! for a lot of issues there are almost equal amounts on both sides, but the law is the law. That has never stopped people entirely from breaking it. And that won't stop the government with enforcing the consequences.

Besides the government though, everything has its own natural consequences. You can believe that drugs have no side effects besides making you feel great, but until there is proof that those drugs have more positive effects than negative, you aren't going to convince the general public. Why not just stick around people with your own ideals instead of forcing them on others? Open discussion is great if it is truly open.

I know, I know. My thoughts aren't running entirely smoothly right now (trying to cram my thoughts before lunchtime) so here is what I think about this picture. You don't need drugs to open your mind. Kids have AWESOME imaginations without drugs. Though society tries to harness and suppress it as you get older, that is still a matter of choice. At least kids have an on and off switch. To me, the ability to control that is way better than getting some drug induced anti-reality brain craze. The natural explanation to that is INSANITY so you want to induce your own insanity is what this is telling you. This doesn't even make sense because if you know something, that is concrete. You can be your own judge of right and wrong. Not even all of society agrees on ethics. Is it really wrong to know what exists? Is it wrong to experience what everyone else experiences as REALITY when taking drugs will only make your brain believe things individually? How will that make anything better? How is that unlocking your potential? What would you say if it unlocked your potential as a serial killer? What would be your explanation then?

If someone was to go to some Shaman or is doing this out of some spiritualistic ritual to "open their mind" instead of just to escape reality because they are too afraid to deal with the world like the rest of us then fine. My opinion of you is that you are a weak individual, but make sure you have a sane person looking after you so you don't freak out on the rest of the world. Control your substance like doctors try to do. Be smart about your stupidity (if that makes any sense at all). Abuse of rights is what gets them taken away.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I guess I don't understand money.

I think that is a problem with people who weren't raised having a lot.
Being in a large family that is not homeless poor, but qualifying for welfare and free lunch at school etc can teach someone a lot about humility, frugality and sharing.

I don't like politics. I have never voted. I don't like that a nation that is supposed to be united can be so torn and have such split views. For example, I think politicians go against their own beliefs and morals to get the vote of their party. This year is the first year I have really cared, AND IM NOT IN AMERICA.

That all being said, you might be able to tell that I am strongly against Romney. That dude seems like a huge douche bag. HUGE. I really feel like the only people who are backing him are 1. white supremacists, 2. mormons, 3. people who make at least 6 figs.

Being a mormon (not the best one I know), I find it appalling that Romney justifies his lies. Luckily the liar will be thrust down to hell (hopefully a different hell than me). He feels that half the country are moochers?! Really, I mean its not like he is using every loophole he can find to pay the least amount of taxes or taking advantage of every tax break he can. Who wouldn't if it was legal, right?

I agree that many people who do not need it are receiving welfare. Those things need to be looked at, but it sounds like (I could be wrong) that Romney is against any support. What does he think people are supposed to do? I understand that people don't want to pay for people's fake nails -as said by some motard on my facebook (geez that has got annoying!)

I'm just sitting here baffled that there is enough money circulating in America for unnecessary things to pay off our country's debt and deficit. Congress signed a pledge not to raise taxes on the high class, but my question is, why doesn't the higher class just give it to their country or donate it? What is so hard about bailing out the country that permitted you the opportunity to be as rich as you are? People make millions every year and I can't think of any lifestyle that requires that much money.

I remember having a conversation in seminary about the difference between rich and wealthy. Rich people are not hurting for anything and can have pretty much whatever they want. Wealthy people have so much money they don't know what to do with it so it sits there and accumulates.

I KNOW there are plenty of people out there with TONS of money just accumulating, and they will never in their mortal life see where all of it will go. They are upset that people with less opportunity want opportunity or a better life. I also feel like they know that in order to stay rich, other people need to stay poor.

I also just want to remind people who are going crazy about obama being a socialist and his robin hood mentality that ROBIN HOOD WAS A HERO. And Romney is forgetting about a higher law in mormon doctrine when he is against wealth distribution. THE LAW OF CONSECRATION. thats right, the near communist law that was almost put in place in the doctrine and covenants that talks about how families will labor and they will only keep the earnings they need to sustain their family and the rest will go to the church to be distributed to the less fortunate. Everyone works hard and everyone gets what they need. Romney has a skewed vision of need, and suffering. I'm wondering if it was back in bible times and Romney was that rich merchant guy who came to Jesus and said he was righteous all his life and what more he do, if he wouldn't be just like him and not be able to forsake his riches because he had also "worked all his life to earn them". You can't take your dollaz to heaven, son.

There are flaws in every form of government and there are valid and positive ideas in them all as well. I believe in a lot of the views that Obama has, but I don't have enough politi-smarts to know if all his promises can be kept. Jill Stein looks more like my kinda leader.

Peace to all, and no more facebook posts, please.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mormon Madness

I don't know if it is just Romney or what, but there is just a ton of stuff about mormons circulating online lately. I mean popularly within my friend group though (because I know there was always stuff about Mormons)

Here are my recent finds that have just been making me think a lot.

So I don't know what this whole program is about yet, but I found their website here. I'm going to be checking it out. It is just really curious to me because I feel like LGBT are not treated the same at any BYU and there is a program at provo. There should be one at every school to teach people how to be more accepting and kind. I also want to know how they reconcile the teachings of the church with the problems that these people face. Do they encourage what some do, that they get a straight marriage even though they aren't attracted to that gender? It is really strange to me.

Next is this crazy girl.

So there are all these myths. Some are just exaggerations. And you know you can think of other people all they want, but regardless of their beliefs, just because they aren't your beliefs, doesn't mean you gotta bash. If religion wasn't based on faith, everyone would be the same religion. But I feel like I get why there are so many different takes. Even the Mormon religion isn't perfect. I mean not everything has been revealed yet right? Doesn't mean we don't have the tools to be saved. Anyhow, I just think this chick is dumb because it is mostly a choice to be any religion. Whoever believes what they believe had a choice to believe it, and obviously you are trying to say what other people believe. Why not just believe what you want and leave other people alone. Nothing is really "far-out" in any religion and if it is a belief, they are going to do a ritual. Monks in other religions believe in celibacy. If saving yourself for marriage is a belief, then to be a practicing/ worthy mormon, you have to do that so of course they are going to ask 12 year old boys about their sex lives you idiot. Okay. There is more but you can all just think about that for yourselves.


this lady reminds me of myself, but a little more extreme. The comments are what kills me. There are some RUDE RUDE LDS people calling her out. If you think that is what makes people strong is for you to call them to repentance, then you should just look in the mirror and start the yells, butthead.

Anyway. Those are the thoughts spinning at the moment.